• It begins to only publish articles in English.
  • Adopts continuous publication, with an annual issue (publish-as-you-go).
  • Adopts new copyright attribution model (CC BY) for articles to be published.
  • It forms a partnership with Editora Cubo, a renowned company in editorial assistance and electronic publishing.
  • It undergoes changes of brand and logo, using its name in English. It is no longer being called Revista Ciências em Saúde to being titled HSJ (Health Sciences Journal).
  • Starts editorial consultancy process to expand its indexing bases.
  • The eISSN 2968-0408 is atributted to the HSJ.


  • Start indexing its articles in Lilacs.


  • Receives indexing from Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs).
  • Receives Latindex catalog 2.0 indexing.


  • It becomes a bilingual publication periodical.


  • Receives its thousandth submission.


  • Starts the process of readjusting the editorial flows and layout for published articles, using exclusively the Open Journal System platform.
  • Becomes linked to the Institute of Teaching, Research and Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the Hospital de Clínicas de Itajubá.
  • Enter the Sumario.org, Scilit and Worldcat databases.


  • It is no longer published by the Faculdade de Medicina de Itajubá and is now administered by the Hospital de Clínicas de Itajubá.


  • Receives Latindex indexing.


  • The Revista Ciências em Saúde is launched and receives its first edition (v1 n1, from January to March).