Below are the downloadable document templates and guidelines.

Documents for Submission

All essential documents for submission can be downloaded by clicking in each corresponding link below:

Access submision files (cloud drive)


Guidelines checklist

1. Pre-clinical animal experimentation studies (ARRIVE) - Download checklist

2. Observational studies (STROBE) - STROBE combined checklist

3. Randomized Clinical Trials (CONSORT) - Download checkllist and Flowchart

4. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) - Download checklist and Flowchart

5. Scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Download checklist

6. Case reports / Series reports (CARE): Download checklist and Flowchart

7. Diagnostic acuracy studies (STARD): Download checklist and Flowchart

8. Randomized Clinical Trials Protocols (SPIRIT): Download checklist

9. Qualitative Studies (SRQR): Download checklist



1. Scientific writing recomendations (PT)  - Orientações da EASE (European Association of Science Editors) Versão em PT

2. Circular Letter 166/2018 CNS (PT) - Case reports ethics

3. Circular Letter 039/2011 CONEP/CNS (PT) - Use of data from medical records for research purposes

4. Sample size calculation guidelines

5. Suggested script for evaluating a scientific article (PT) (Porto F, Gurgel JL. Rev Bras Cienc Esporte. 40(2):111-116

6. How I Review an Original Scientific Article - Hopping Jr FR (2002)

7. Systematic Literatura Review x Narrative Review ([Acta Paul Enferm 2007;20(2):vii-viii.]

8. Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals