Focus and Scope

The HSJ (Health Sciences Journal) has the mission of selecting and disseminating high-quality scientific content related to the health sciences. To accomplish this, it publishes original, basic and applied, peer-reviewed, scientific research. The target readers of the HSJ are comprised of academics, researchers, health professionals, public health authorities and managers, as well as the general public. It is published by the Hospital de Clínicas de Itajubá.

Manuscripts submissions in the areas of Medicine, Nutrition, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy , Public Health, Physical Education, Speech Therapy and Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy will be accepted, both clinical or experimental, as defined in the knowledge areas classification of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), available at

Editorial Policies

Manuscripts that do not fit the instructions above will be returned before being sent to the Editorial Board.

Online Submission. Submissions, as well as monitoring of the review process, can only be made through the Open Journal System online platform (, after individual registration as author and access to the system.

Authorship. Guidelines for author inclusion are based on the ICMJE Recommendations, available at  The authorship credit should be based only on (1) substantial contributions to conception and design, data collection or analysis and interpretation of data, (2) writing or critical revision of the manuscript for intellectually important content, AND (3) final approval of the version to be published. The Title Page of each manuscript should detail the authors' specific contributions to the work.The order and number of authors may not be changed after acceptance for publication and start of the publishing process. If one or more individuals contributed to the work but did not meet the criteria for authorship, they may be acknowledged in the last paragraph of the manuscript, in the Acknowledgments section.

Number of Authors. The maximum number of authors is 8 for Reviews and Original articles, 6 for Case Reports and narrative Reviews, and 2 for Editorials. Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyzes will have no author limit. Papers of collective (institutional) authorship must have the responsible authors specified.

Author's online registration in the submission system. The inclusion of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) number is required. ORCID is a unique, free digital identifier that distinguishes researchers and solves ambiguity problems by similarity of names and surnames. To register your ORCID, please visit:

Open Access Policy. All articles accepted for publication in the HSJ are published with Full Open Access licensed under Attribution 4.0 International . This license permits the use, copying, distribution, transmission, adaptation, and reproduction of the research, provided the original work is properly cited. In cases of manuscripts that include figures or other material previously published, it is mandatory to quote the original source in the caption. Manuscript authors must also complete the Declaration of Originality and Authorship, and attach it in a separate file at the time of submission. From 2024, the copyright of the manuscripts continues to belong to the authors.

Decision. Authors will be informed of the acceptance of the manuscript by e-mail through the online submission system. Upon acceptance, the work will enter into editing process and will be published in a future edition. At this stage, it will no longer be allowed to change content or the name of the authors. No information will be provided regarding the date of publication or the issue at which the work will be published. The manuscript review and publication process are estimated to last 4-6 months.  

Proofs. Corresponding authors will receive the manuscript in its edited and finalized version for approval (in PDF file, which can be read by Adobe Acrobar Reader software, available at, free of charge). Corrections requested at this stage should be limited to typographical errors, without altering the content of the study. Authors must return approved papers within 48 hours. Otherwise, the final version will be deemed accepted and final.

English Translation. From 2024, all manuscripts submitted in Portuguese and accepted for publication in the HSJ will be published in English. The translation into English will be the responsibility of the authors. This initiative aims at the internationalization of the journal and indexing in various databases. It is recommended that the translation be done by a professional translator or specialized company, preferably in the American English style. It is also recommended to send proof of the translation of the manuscript to the editorial team. If the submitted manuscript is considered poorly translated, the HSJ reserves the right to return it for further correction. More details here.

DOI registration. All published articles receive a unique identification (Digital Object Identifier) issued by CrossRef.

Publication Periodicity

From 2024, the HSJ adheres to continuous publication (publish-as-you-go), with an annual volume.

Publication Fees

The HSJ does not charge fees for submission and / or publication of articles.


The HSJ uses the LOCKSS system (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) to ensure safe and permanent archiving of the magazine's cache. LOCKSS is free software developed by the Stanford University Library, which allows preserving chosen online magazines by scanning their pages for newly published content and archiving it. Each file is continuously validated against copies from other libraries. If the content is corrupted or lost, the copies are used for restoration. See authorization through the Publication Manifest. A LOCKSS license will appear on the About magazine page in the Archiving section. The HSJ uses the Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network plugin to send and store its content in the LOCKSS system.

About the journal

The HSJ publishes original works from all areas of health sciences, including Editorials aimed at themes in the field of ​​health. Its divulgation is made by the Hospital de Clínicas de Itajubá.

Journal history

The Revista Ciências em Saúde was launched in 2011 as a quarterly electronic scientific journal from the Faculty of Medicine of Itajubá. From 2018 onwards it was published by the Hospital de Clínicas de Itajubá (HCI) and in 2024 it was renamed HSJ (Health Sciences Journal), aiming at internationalization and complete migration to publication in English.

It is intended for the publication of original and unpublished scientific articles, results of research projects, dissertations, theses, among other studies involving the most diverse health sciences. Its inaugural edition ran from January to March 2011 (v 1, n 1), thus constituting more than 13 uninterrupted years of editorial activity.

Due to its multidisciplinary nature, the HSJ welcomes texts by researchers, teachers and students from Higher Education Institutions (undergraduate and graduate), being a tool that unites the institutional mission with the importance of making and disseminating Science.

The HSJ is an opportunity for authors of articles, which fall into the categories of publication, submit their manuscripts for our appreciation, and contribute to the dissemination of innovative and relevant topics in health sciences.

Issuance of certificates

The HSJ reserves the right to issue only certificates for manuscripts that are accepted for publication and are still in press (Copyediting or Proofreading stages) for proof purposes.

Certificates of published editorials, articles or event proceedings (Supplements), with an active DOI and available for download on the journal's website, will not be issued.