
Free and critical texts, of standpoint view or educational characteristic. Written by recognized authorities on the subject at the invitation of the Editors. They may question a known practice or provoke discussion, even challenging readers to comment. They usually address recent, innovative, unknown or neglected issues. Editorials containing commercial bias will not be accepted. Editorials should not exceed 1,200 words and 8 references.

Original Articles

Original research in health sciences, clinical or experimental, observational or interventional. Basic or experimental research does not include human clinical information but may contain data from blood samples or other human tissue. For these, it is recommended to include a paragraph highlighting clinical relevance. Clinical research papers have human information, population descriptions, and results/conclusions of practical applicability and must involve 10 or more individuals. They include cross-sectional research, case-control studies, cohorts, and randomized controlled trials. Integrative and systematic reviews and meta-analyses are considered original articles. Original articles should not exceed 3,500 words (excluding Title Page, abstract, tables/figures, and references), 8 figures or tables, and 30 references. All original articles must have prior approval by a Research Ethics Committee.

Review Articles

High-level papers written by authors or a research group with notorious knowledge in the field on a specific topic of great relevance will be accepted. These do not include integrative or systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Review articles may be a maximum of 5,000 words and 100 references.

Systematic Reviews

Compile relevant studies on a specific issue by searching literature databases with methods of identification, selection, and systematic analysis to conduct a critical and comprehensive literature review. The systematization must include the bias and methods of selection of the articles. Revisions can include meta-analysis to determine the statistical power of comparisons. They must have up to 5,000 words and a summary with a maximum of 250 words.

Case or Series Report

It should be of great interest and well-documented. Statements regarding the first time the case happened or was described should not be mentioned, as these are difficult to substantiate and are inaccurate. Case reports should not exceed 1,500 words, 5 figures and/or tables and 20 references. All reports must have prior approval by a research ethics committee. A statement of patient agreement for publication of details and images should be included in the Introduction. The consent form is the property and responsibility of the author and should not be submitted as an attachment to the manuscript submission.


Publication of Annals of Congresses and Symposiums. They will be reviewed upon request to the HSJ Editor-in-Chief.