Function, activity and participation in perception of patients with chronic low back pain: a focus group
Main Article Content
Objective: Identify the perception of chronic low back pain (LBP) in users of a physical therapy rehabilitation unit in a city in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods: This is a descriptive and qualitative exploratory research. Focus groups were held with users of the health service of both genres, above 18 years old, with a medical diagnosis of chronic LBP, and in physical rehabilitation. The guiding units were talking about pain and previous pain relief treatments, programmed by a semi-structured script. The units that emerged were the speech of health professionals and the speech of co-workers and family members. The statements were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the Elaboration Technique and Analysis of Units of Meaning. The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) pain score and the complete ODI were used to assess pain and functionality. Results: 14 patients (mean age 52 ± 3 years), mostly women, reported chronic LBP on average for 5 ± 5 years. The mean value of the pain score was 1.37 ± 1.72 and the mean disability was 21.96% (95% CI 15.43 - 28.50%). The reports on pain were: ‘a nuisance’, ‘a disease’, ‘disability’, treated with medication and physiotherapy; health professionals demonstrate ‘neglect’, ‘aggression’ or ‘ban’; while family and co-workers demonstrate ‘contempt’, ‘retaliation’ or ‘support’. Conclusion: The perception of chronic LBP is equivalent to distress, discomfort, illness, restrictions, aggression, neglect, contempt, reprisal or support to a mix of physical and psychological sensations.
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