Association between oral nutritional supplementation and clinical and nutritional outcomes in the management of hospital malnutrition

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Ayla Nauane Ferreira dos Santos
Kamila Luana do Nascimento Silva
Vinícius Eponina dos Santos
Ranna Adrielle Lima Santos
Vivianne de Sousa Rocha


Objective: To evaluate the association between oral nutritional supplementation and clinical and nutritional outcomes in the management of hospital malnutrition. Methods: This is a longitudinal observational study conducted by collecting electronic medical records of patients admitted to a university hospital between 2019 and 2020. Malnourished adult and elderly patients, who have been eating exclusively orally and using a nutritional supplement, were included.Sociodemographic, clinical, biochemical, nutritional risk, nutritional assessment, acceptance of nutritional prescription and characteristics of the nutritional supplement used were analyzed. An α = 5% was considered. Results: Forty patients were evaluated, most of them elderly and male. Among the oral nutritional supplements, the high-calorie and high-protein types were more prevalent, with an offer twice a day, average use of 39 days, and total acceptance of the nutritional prescription by only 30% of the patients. This nutritional intervention resulted in a slight improvement in anthropometric data, with no significant difference. Conclusion: Using the oral nutritional supplement for a longer period and better adherence would possibly present greater nutritional benefits to patients.

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How to Cite
Ferreira dos Santos AN, Silva KL do N, Santos VE dos, Santos RAL, Rocha V de S. Association between oral nutritional supplementation and clinical and nutritional outcomes in the management of hospital malnutrition. HSJ [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];11(4):46-52. Available from:
Author Biographies

Ayla Nauane Ferreira dos Santos, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

Specialist in Clinical Nutrition, Metabolism, Practice and Nutritional Therapy, Resident in Nutrition of the multidisciplinary Hospital Health Care program, University Hospital of Lagarto (HUL), Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Lagarto, Sergipe, Brazil.

Kamila Luana do Nascimento Silva, University Hospital of Lagarto (HUL)

Specialist in Clinical Nutrition, Metabolism and Nutritional Therapy, Nutritionist at the University Hospital of Lagarto (HUL), Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Lagarto, Sergipe, Brazil.

Vinícius Eponina dos Santos, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

Graduating from the Nutrition course, Campus Prof. Antônio Garcia Filho, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Lagarto, Sergipe, Brazil.

Ranna Adrielle Lima Santos, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

Specialist in Sports Nutrition applied to esthetics, Resident in Nutrition of the multidisciplinary program Hospital Health Care at the University Hospital of Lagarto (HUL), Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Lagarto, Sergipe, Brazil.

Vivianne de Sousa Rocha, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

PhD, Adjunct Professor, Department of Nutrition, Campus Prof. Antônio Garcia Filho, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Lagarto, Sergipe, Brazil.


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