Profile of blood donors in a hemotherapy institution in Midwestern Brazil

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Weldson Ferreira Abreu
Leticia Aparecida Silva
Polyanna Campos Gonçalves Sousa


Objective: To describe the profile of blood donors in a hospital in the Midwest of Brazil with its own blood bank to have a diagnostic view of the establishment and enable the planning of improvements in services. Methods: This is a descriptive, retrospective study with a quantitative approach. A proportional stratified sampling technique was used, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%, to represent and characterize the study population, obtaining a sample of 363 donors. Subsequently, a proportional allocation was performed in the established groups (fit donors, unfit donors, and platelet apheresis donors). Results: The profile of eligible donors in the institution studied was composed of married (55.2%), male (63.7%), aged between 20 and 30 years (40.4%), with O RhD+ blood (46.7%) and A RhD+ (29.6%) more prevalent. Apheresis platelet donors (50%) are single, female (81.3%), and aged between 31 and 40 years (43.8%). As for unfit donors, 94.8% are temporary-unfit donors, married donors (53.2%), female (54.5%), and between 20 and 40 years old (54.6%), with the categories of health condition and lifestyle being the most prevalent reasons for disability. Conclusion: There is a hegemony for replacement and first-time donors, showing the effectiveness of the solidarity policy implemented in the institution, but it shows the low effectiveness in the loyalty of these donors.

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How to Cite
Ferreira Abreu W, Silva LA, Sousa PCG. Profile of blood donors in a hemotherapy institution in Midwestern Brazil. HSJ [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];12(3):22-8. Available from:
Author Biographies

Weldson Ferreira Abreu, Multiprofessional Residency Program in Hematology and Hemotherapy, Federal University of Goiás

Nurse, Resident in Hematology and Hemotherapy at the Federal University of Goiás.

Leticia Aparecida Silva, Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Goiás

Biologist, Specialist in Microbiology at the Federal University of Goiás, Master in Tropical Medicine at UFG.

Polyanna Campos Gonçalves Sousa, Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Goiás

Nurse, Specialist in Family Health from the Federal University of Maranhão and in Epidemiology from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Master in Family Health from the Federal University of Piauí.


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