How to be disruptive in a developing country like Brazil?

Camila Maciel de Oliveira, João Paulo Dutra e Silva


The use of corticosteroid therapy for COVID-19 patients: an evidence-based overview

Ricardo Guimarães Amaral, Ricardo Ruan Rocha Santana, Bárbara Oliva Barbosa, Yuri Barbosa Araújo, Sandra Lauton-Santos, Luciana Nalone Andrade


Profile of blood donors in a hemotherapy institution in Midwestern Brazil

Weldson Ferreira Abreu, Leticia Aparecida Silva, Polyanna Campos Gonçalves Sousa


Effect of different manipulations of the cluster-set method on training volume and time under tension in resistance training men

Ricardo Reis Dinardi, Frank Douglas Tourino, Lucas Túlio de Lacerda, João Batista Ferreira-Júnior, Hugo César Martins-Costa


Difficulties experienced by caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's Disease in relation to dietary care: integrative review

Maria Ricarte Guedes, Dayze Djanira Furtado de Galiza, Lissidna Almeida Cabral, Vitor Wagner de Souza Lacerda, Antonio Lucas Fernandes Leal, Helena Alves de Carvalho Sampaio


Antipsychotic-induced movement disorders: integrative review

Maria Eduarda Antunes de Meira, Giuliano Mannrich, Natahalia Nahas Donatello, Daiana Cristina Salm


Cardiac autonomic activity, endothelial function and physical fitness in type 2 diabetic patients

Cauê Padovani, Regiane Maria da Costa Arruda, Shane Phillips, Luciana Maria Malosá Sampaio


Association between the BCR-ABL gene transcripts and the laboratory hematological profile

Marcelo Braga de Oliveira, Carolina de Alcântara Maneschy, Jairo Augusto Américo de Castro, Katarine Antonia dos Santos Barile, Maurício Koury Palmeira, Carlos Eduardo de Melo Amaral


Frequency of chromosomal syndromes in the Brazilian population between 2017 and 2021

Sarah Sousa Nascimento dos Santos, Adrhyann Jullyane de Sousa Portilho, Caroline Aquino Moreira-Nunes
