Interrelation between dietary carbohydrate quality and nutritional status of a community of settlers in the municipality of Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil
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Objective: To evaluate the glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of the diet of a community of settlers in the municipality of Limoeiro do Norte/Ceará, Brazil, and to verify whether there is a relationship between these variables and the nutritional status of these individuals. Method: This cross-sectional study included 77 adults. Nutritional status was assessed using waist circumference (WC), Body Shape Index (ABSI), and Body Roundness Index (BRI). Then, 24-h food recalls (R24h) were applied, and the GI and GL were calculated. Correlations between the glycemic index, BRI, and WC anthropometric variables were assessed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The correlation between GL and the ABSI anthropometric variable was evaluated using Spearman’s correlation test. Variables were assessed for association using the Chi-squared test. Result: Inadequacies in the GI (60.38±2.65), GL (139.46±53.45) and WC (94.23±10.99) predominated in the study population, with higher values observed in men. There was greater adequacy for the most recent ABSI (0.0755±0.0040) and BRI markers (3.411±0.8593), which presented prominent values among women. The statistical analysis demonstrated no correlation or association between the crossed variables. Conclusion: It is inferred that inadequate dietary markers were prevalent among men, whereas women presented with more inadequate anthropometric markers. GI and GL were not associated with WC, ABSI, or BRI.
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