Effectiveness of counter-referral service outcomes in a quaternary hospital of southern Minas Gerais
Main Article Content
Introduction: Comprehensive care is becoming challenging for the Brazilian Unified Health System. Several strategies have been adopted to make this integral care happen, among which are the referral and counter-referral services. Objective: To verify the effectiveness of a counter-referral service in a quaternary hospital in southern Minas Gerais. Methods: Retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional, and quantitative study. Data were collected from 1,078 medical records, through a specific database created in the counter-referral sector, from March 2017 to March 2018. Demographic data, Fugulin Scale (FS), specialty involved, and responses acquired by the primary health units and the Family Health Strategy. Results: The average age was 51.7 years, and most were male (50.9%). Most cases required only minimal care (32.1%) by FS. Internal Medicine, General Surgery, and Orthopedics were the specialties with the most significant number of counter-referred patients. It was found that in 54.5% of cases a return to primary care was obtained, and in 51% of counter-referenced patients this response can be considered valid. Conclusion: The counter-referral service is effective, but still faces difficulties in obtaining a greater interconnection of care at different levels.
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