Validated functional tests in hospitalized and non-hospitalized individuals: systematic review

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Natasha Cordeiro dos Santos
Neila Silva Soares
Jorge Luis Motta dos Anjos
Bruno Souza de Matos
Daiane Barros Carvalho


Objective: To conduct a systematic review of the functional tests validated in different profiles of hospitalized and non-hospitalized individuals and to evaluate the psychometric evidence for reliability and validity. Methods: This is a systematic review. The databases EMBASE, MEDLINE, Lilacs and SciELO were used with the descriptors Functional Tests (Walk Test, Gait Speed ​​Test, Chair Stand Test, Timed Up and Go, Step Test), Validation Studies as Topic and synonyms. Validation studies of functional tests were included in hospitalized or non-hospitalized individuals who used the criteria of validity and/or reliability and related the tests to different variables. These articles could be longitudinal or cross-sectional observational or validation studies that used data from clinical trials. Articles that did not present significant characteristics of the sample and the description of the test were excluded. Results: The search resulted in 36,150 articles, and 89 were included. The studies were organized in tables with information such as author, year, validation criteria, sample, test, associated variables and results. The quality of the articles was assessed using the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. Conclusion: Functional tests are valid and reliable for assessing hospitalized and non-hospitalized individuals and are associated with muscle strength, ability to walk, postural control, activities of daily living, risk of falls, hospitalization, and mortality.

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How to Cite
Santos NC dos, Soares NS, Anjos JLM dos, Matos BS de, Carvalho DB. Validated functional tests in hospitalized and non-hospitalized individuals: systematic review. HSJ [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];10(4):23-5. Available from:
Author Biographies

Natasha Cordeiro dos Santos, Roberto Santos General Hospital. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Physiotherapist by the State University of Bahia (UNEB). Received a scholarship from the Scientific Initiation Program of the State of Bahia Foundation for Research Support (Fapesb) by UNEB. She is currently Resident in the Physiotherapy Program in Intensive Care and Emergency at the State Health Department of Bahia (SESAB) and Master's student in Pharmaceutical Sciences at UNEB.

Neila Silva Soares, Roberto Santos General Hospital. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Graduation in Physiotherapy at the State University of Bahia (UEB). Specialist in Hospital Physiotherapy with Emphasis on Intensive Care by the Bahia State Department of Health (SESAB) Residence Program - Hospital Cidade. She is currently a Physiotherapist at the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit of  Roberto Santos General Hospital and preceptor of the Physiotherapy Residency in Intensive Care and Emergency at SESAB.

Jorge Luis Motta dos Anjos, Roberto Santos General Hospital. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Graduated in Physiotherapy at Faculdade Adventista de Fisioterapia (2003), Specialist in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy at Faculdade Gama Filho (2005) and Master in Technologies Applicable to Bioenergy by FTC in Salvador in the line of research in Occupational Health (2016). Professor at Faculdade Maurício de Nassau in Salvador/BA, Professor of Postgraduate Program in Hospital Physiotherapy at Faculdade Social da Bahia, Physiotherapist Member of the Teaching Coordination at Roberto Santos General Hospital in Salvador,BA and PhD Student in Medicine and Human Health at UFBA.

Bruno Souza de Matos, Roberto Santos General Hospital. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Physiotherapist at Jorge Amado University Centre. Received a scholarship of the Scientific Initiation Program 2016/2017 with the Project "Cardiac Rehabilitation in Hypertensive Adults". He is currently Resident in the Physiotherapy Program in Intensive Care and Emergency at Roberto Santos General Hospital by the Health Department of the State of Bahia (SESAB).

Daiane Barros Carvalho, Woman's Hospital - Maria Luzia Costa dos Santos. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Physiotherapist by the State University of Bahia (UNEB). Intensive Physiotherapist at the Woman's Hospital Maria Luzia Costa dos Santos and at the Municipal Hospital of Salvador/BA. Currently at Specialization in Hospital Physiotherapy at the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health (EMNSP). Held the Improvement Course in Hospital Physiotherapy at the Woman's Hospital.


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