Covid-19 in-hospital fatality among hospitalized patient residents of the two largest and smaller cities of the Brazilian states

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Gbènankpon Mathias Houvèssou
Gary Joseph
Eduardo Viegas da Silva


Objective: To estimate the relative risk of COVID-19 in-hospital mortality rates among patients according to residing in the two largest cities of each state or residing in any smaller city, and to describe different patterns across states and macro-regions of Brazil. Method: The sample included all hospitalizations confirmed for COVID-19 that occurred in Brazil with a recorded outcome of the hospitalization by the end of December 2021. The exposure assessed was patients residing in the two largest cities of the state or any smaller cities. The outcome was in-hospital mortality rates caused by COVID-19. Multilevel Poisson regression was used to estimate adjusted relative risks for each state and macro-region of Brazil. Result: The analytic sample was composed of 1,658,934 hospitalized COVID-19 cases. For the whole country, living in the two largest cities of each state was associated with a lower risk of in-hospital mortality rate. Nevertheless, in two states of the North region (Amazonas and Pará), individuals living in the largest cities presented greater in-hospital fatality rates than those living in smaller cities. Conclusion: At the two biggest states of the Brazilian North region, the pattern of association between living in the largest cities and in-hospital fatality was inverse, and higher proportions of deaths without access to a hospital bed were identified, indicating singular vulnerability. The findings highlight the need for a more equitable distribution of health care services and qualified professionals in the vast territory of Brazil.

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How to Cite
Houvèssou GM, Joseph G, Viegas da Silva E. Covid-19 in-hospital fatality among hospitalized patient residents of the two largest and smaller cities of the Brazilian states. HSJ [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 27 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];14(1):e1525. Available from:


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