Food consumption of children from zero to 23 months in a Brazilian municipality
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Objective: to identify the frequency of food consumption in children aged zero to 23 months. Methods: this analytical research with a quantitative approach was conducted with 911 mothers/guardians of children aged under 23 months. In data collection, sociodemographic information and information on the frequency of food consumption of the child in the last 24 hours were obtained through a questionnaire of food consumption markers from SISVAN. Results: more than two-thirds of the participants reported having offered inappropriate foods for the child's age the day before. Among children under six months of age, inadequate food consumption had a prevalence of 38.3%. In the age group from 6 to 23 months, this frequency of consumption was 88.4%. The most inappropriate foods consumed by children under six months of age were water/tea, fruit, and salty foods. Between the ages of six and 23 months, the consumption of non-breast milk, sugary drinks, stuffed biscuits, sweets, and candies predominated. Conclusion: the consumption of inappropriate foods for age was highly prevalent, especially in children above six months old.
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