Difficulties experienced by caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's Disease in relation to dietary care: integrative review

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Maria Ricarte Guedes
Dayze Djanira Furtado de Galiza
Lissidna Almeida Cabral
Vitor Wagner de Souza Lacerda
Antonio Lucas Fernandes Leal
Helena Alves de Carvalho Sampaio


Objective: To analyze the problems experienced by caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) in dietary care. Methods: An integrative review was carried out, whose guiding question was "What are the experiences and difficulties reported by caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease concerning dietary care?". The search occurred in April/2021 in the following databases: MEDLINE, Science Direct, SCOPUS, Web of Science, SciELO, and Lilacs. Publications fromthe last 10 years in English, Portuguese or Spanish were included. Results: Of the 2,418 articles initially found, the titles of 39 seemed to fit the research objectives. Of these, 11 articles were selected for full reading, and 8 were evaluated to answer the research question. A gap in the approach to the problems experienced by caregivers of patients with AD concerning dietary care was observed. Difficulties dealing with reduced appetite, dysphagia, inability to remember eating, mealtime refusal, and food repulsion were reported. Allied to this, caregiver stress was reported. Conclusion: The main problems experienced by caregivers of patients with AD involve reduced appetite, dysphagia, difficulty remembering what they have already eaten, refusal at mealtimes, and food repulsion. Thus, the theme deserves the attention and involvement of health professionals to focus on the most frequent difficulties and teach caregivers to overcome them.

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How to Cite
Guedes MR, Galiza DDF de, Almeida Cabral L, Lacerda VW de S, Fernandes Leal AL, Sampaio HA de C. Difficulties experienced by caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease in relation to dietary care: integrative review. HSJ [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];12(3):35-43. Available from: https://portalrcs.hcitajuba.org.br/index.php/rcsfmit_zero/article/view/1244
Author Biographies

Maria Ricarte Guedes, Ceara State University

Nutritionist, Master's Student of the Professional Master's Program in Health Management, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.

Dayze Djanira Furtado de Galiza, Ceara State University

Nurse, Doctoral Student of the Postgraduate Program in Public Health, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.

Lissidna Almeida Cabral, Ceara State University

Nutritionist, Doctoral Student of the Postgraduate Program in Public Health, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.

Vitor Wagner de Souza Lacerda, Ceara State University

Undergraduate student in Nutrition, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.

Antonio Lucas Fernandes Leal, State University of Ceará

Undergraduate student in Nutrition, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil..

Helena Alves de Carvalho Sampaio, Ceara State University

Nutritionist, Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Public Health – Master's and Doctorate and of the Professional Master's in Health Management, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.


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