Effect of a fruit and vegetable drink on muscle recovery after resistance exercise

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Maria Hipólito Almeida Pinheiro
Luan Pereira Fonseca
Jeann Carlo Gazolla de Oliveira
Gotardo do Carmo de Castro
Vitor Hugo Santos-Rezende
Mariana da Silva Gouveia
Bruna Dias Viveiros
Eliane Maurício Furtado Martins
Frederico Souzalima Caldoncelli Franco
João Batista Ferreira-Júnior


Objective: To evaluate the effect of fruit and vegetable drink supplementation on muscle recovery after resistance exercise. Methods: 11 men performed two experimental conditions 12 days apart, in a randomized and double-blind manner: 1) Supplementation with Smoothie - drink based on pineapple, mint, sage, ginger, and pomegranate; and 2) Placebo - drink based on artificial pineapple juice. Participants ingested 400 mL of Smoothie or Placebo drinks daily for 9 days, starting one week before performing the exercise (10 sets of 10 unilateral maximum repetitions in leg press 45º). The perceived subjective recovery (PSR), thickness (MT) and soreness (MS) in the anterior thigh muscles, and maximum isometric strength (MIS) were measured before, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after exercise. Results: There was a reduction in MIS and PSR and an increase in MS 24 h after exercise (p < 0.05). In both situations, MIS returned to baseline values at 72 h (p > 0.05), while PSR and MS returned to baseline values 96 h after exercise. There was no change in MT (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Supplementation with pineapple, mint, sage, ginger, and pomegranate drinks did not accelerate muscle recovery over 96 h after the 45º leg press exercise.

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How to Cite
Pinheiro MHA, Fonseca LP, Oliveira JCG de, Castro G do C de, Santos-Rezende VH, Gouveia M da S, et al. Effect of a fruit and vegetable drink on muscle recovery after resistance exercise. HSJ [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];12(4):57-65. Available from: https://portalrcs.hcitajuba.org.br/index.php/rcsfmit_zero/article/view/1325
Author Biographies

Maria Hipólito Almeida Pinheiro, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas Gerais

Academic of Physical Education at the Federal Institute of Southeast of Minas Gerais – Campus Rio Pomba.

Luan Pereira Fonseca, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas Gerais

Academic of Physical Education at the Federal Institute of Southeast of Minas Gerais – Campus Rio Pomba.

Jeann Carlo Gazolla de Oliveira, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas Gerais

Academic of Physical Education at the Federal Institute of Southeast of Minas Gerais – Campus Rio Pomba.

Gotardo do Carmo de Castro, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas Gerais

Academic of Physical Education at the Federal Institute of Southeast of Minas Gerais – Campus Rio Pomba.

Vitor Hugo Santos-Rezende, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas

Academic of Physical Education at the Federal Institute of Southeast of Minas Gerais – Campus Rio Pomba.

Mariana da Silva Gouveia, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas

Student of Science and Technology in Food at the Federal Institute of the Southeast of Minas Gerais – Campus Rio Pomba.

Bruna Dias Viveiros, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas

Student of Science and Technology in Food at the Federal Institute of the Southeast of Minas Gerais – Campus Rio Pomba.

Eliane Maurício Furtado Martins, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas Gerais

Full Professor at the Department of Food Science and Technology at the Federal Institute of Southeast of Minas Gerais – Campus Rio Pomba. PhD from the Federal University of Viçosa.

Frederico Souzalima Caldoncelli Franco, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas Gerais

Full Professor at the Physical Education Center at the Federal Institute of Southeast of Minas Gerais – Campus Rio Pomba. PhD from the Federal University of Viçosa.

João Batista Ferreira-Júnior, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southeast of Minas Gerais

Professor of the Nucleus of Physical Education. Postdoctoral fellow at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora.


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