Communication and safe and effective nursing care in surgical center and intensive care: integrative review

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Marlene da Silva Miranda
Francisco Anderson Abreu do Nascimento
Viviane Nayara de Oliveira Lima
Francisco Jandson de Albuquerque
Ana Luiza Gonçalves da Silva
Andresa de Araújo Sales
Lucas Manoel Oliveira Costa
Nanielle Silva Barbosa


Objective: To identify the importance of communication for safe and effective nursing care in the surgical center and intensive care. Methods: An integrative review with a survey of productions in February 2023 in the databases Lilacs, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Scopus. Primary studies, available in full in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, were included. Results: Of the 1,904 productions initially found, 19 were included for analysis. The studies pointed out that communication is essential to guaranty patient safety and to insert the family in the care process. This skill goes beyond verbal expression and involves other ways of communicating. However, it needs to be improved in some situations, mainly to avoid damage to the customer. It is also suggested that some forms of communication require to be standardized. Conclusion: Communication is one of the priorities and fundamental actions for the safety and effectiveness of nursing care, whether in surgical centers or intensive care units. Given this context, it is necessary that communication barriers are identified and that strategic organizational actions are put into practice, including the permanent education of professionals and the standardization of information. Actions like these minimize the potential risks that permeate critical care and positively impact relationships in the work environment.

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How to Cite
Miranda M da S, Nascimento FAA do, Lima VN de O, Albuquerque FJ de, Silva ALG da, Sales A de A, Costa LMO, Barbosa NS. Communication and safe and effective nursing care in surgical center and intensive care: integrative review. HSJ [Internet]. 2023Jun.22 [cited 2024May19];13(2):42-1. Available from:
Author Biographies

Marlene da Silva Miranda, Universidade Paulista

Nursing Student at Universidade Paulista

Francisco Anderson Abreu do Nascimento, Faculdade Rodolfo Teófilo

Nursing student at Faculdade Rodolfo Teófilo

Viviane Nayara de Oliveira Lima, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Nursing Degree from the State University of Pará.

Francisco Jandson de Albuquerque, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú

Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from the State University of Vale do Acaraú.

Ana Luiza Gonçalves da Silva, Universidade Paulista

Graduation in Nursing from Universidade Paulista.

Andresa de Araújo Sales, Faculdade Estácio CEUT

Nursing Student at Faculdade Estácio CEUT.

Lucas Manoel Oliveira Costa, Instituto de Ensino Superior Múltiplo

Nursing Student at the Multiple Higher Education Institute.

Nanielle Silva Barbosa, Universidade Federal do Piauí

Master's student in Nursing at the Federal University of Piauí.


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