‘’Pill of study’’: use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement among psychology students of the Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (UEMG)
Main Article Content
Objective: To evaluate the use of methylphenidate for the cognitive enhancement among Psychology students of the Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Methods: Epidemiological, transversal, quantitative study. The sample was composed of students who were duly enrolled in the second half of 2017, totalizing 318 participants. The instruments used for evaluation were the General Health Questionnaire, questionnaire on the use of methylphenidate and the ASSIST. Results: Most participants were women (80.8%), aged between 18 and 63 years (avg 26.45 y). Twenty-six students (8,5%) declared they already had used methylphenidate at some moment in their lives and 12 reported having consumed the substance for cognitive enhancement, of which seven received it from friends and 9 started using it after entering higher education. Other practices, such as having regulated sleep (36%), drinking coffee (35.6%) and practicing physical exercises (17%) were also mentioned as strategies adopted to increase cognitive capacity and academic performance. The use of methylphenidate correlated with the use of tobacco (r = 0,12; p < 0,05), amphetamine or ecstasy (r = 0,20; p < 0,01), inhalants (r = 0,13; p < 0,05) and hallucinogens (r = 0,22; p < 0,01). Conclusion: The use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement has been occurring among Psychology students. As an intervention proposal, it is suggested to implement actions that promote the listening, the welcoming debating and reflecting on these students, aiming to help them to manage the difficulties of academic life, thus, supporting the possible cases caused by the use of medicine.
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