Epidemiological Analysis of Arboviruses in the Triângulo Mineiro from 2014 to 2018

João Vítor Gomes Pires, Noah Romero Nakajima, Wallisen Tadashi Hattori, Stefan Vilges de Oliveira


Absenteeism of diabetics to appointments with an endocrinologist and its relationship with access to health services

Marcelle Lemos Leal, Edson Theodoro dos Santos Neto, Eliana Zandonade, Thiago Dias Sarti, Nagela Valadão Cade


Factors associated with adherence to pharmacological treatment in hypertensive patients enrolled in the HIPERDIA program

Yuri Barbosa Araújo, Jadyelle dos Santos Teixeira, Emanuel Cardoso de Oliveira, Glebson Santos Sobral, Rafael Alexandre Meneguz-Moreno, Ricardo Guimarães Amaral, Sandra Lauton Santos, Luciana Nalone Andrade


Nursing team knowledge assessment instruments about pressure injury: integrative review

Gisele Santana Pereira Carreiro, Maria Júlia Oliveira Guimarães Soares, Simone Helena Santos Oliveira, Ana Elza Oliveira Mendonça


Effects of the exercise mobile app and distance supervision on the functional performance of the older adults. Protocol of a clinical, randomized, controlled trial.

André Issao Kunitake, Keoma Santos Dias, Henrique Pereira Vegh, Leticia Garcia Ramos, Victor Gonçalves Bossert, Hitanna dos Santos Bezzera, Maria Jucilane Soares Solai, Fernanda Ishida Corrêa


Physiotherapy in the prevention and treatment of upper limb complications in women with breast cancer

Taynara Louisi Pilger, Anna Julia Matheus Ortolani, Francisco José Candido dos Reis Reis
