Effects of walking practice in hypertensive patients: integrative review

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Letícia Queiroz Teixeira
Diogo Muryel Aguiar Oliveira
Kácio dos Santos Silva


Objective: to analyze the effects of walking in hypertensive patients. Methods: integrative literature review in Portuguese language carried out in the SciELO and Lilacs – BVS databases. A review was carried out on seven articles published between the years 2010 and 2020. Results: the study revealed that the practice of walking is effective for reducing blood pressure levels in different contexts and intensities in the control of hypertension, whether with acute effects and/or chronic, thus being considered a non-medication tool, as it conditions the cardiovascular system to respond physiologically with decreased vascular reactivity, even in situations of stress, inducing a decrease in blood pressure. Conclusion: the research pointed out that walking has positive effects on blood pressure levels since it significantly contributed to the control of systemic arterial hypertension, especially in those who were monitored by a physical education professional. It is suggested to propose new studies that consider these professionals' performance and other variables, such as different modalities of physical activity, diet, stress levels, and quality of sleep.

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How to Cite
Teixeira LQ, Aguiar Oliveira DM, Silva K dos S. Effects of walking practice in hypertensive patients: integrative review. HSJ [Internet]. 2020Dec.10 [cited 2024Jul.3];10(4):70-6. Available from: https://portalrcs.hcitajuba.org.br/index.php/rcsfmit_zero/article/view/990
Author Biographies

Letícia Queiroz Teixeira, Santo Agostinho University Center (UNIFSA)

Bachelor of Physical Education from Santo Agostinho University Center - UNIFSA. Undergraduate student in Physical Education at the State University of Piauí - UESPI. Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.

Diogo Muryel Aguiar Oliveira, Santo Agostinho University Center (UNIFSA)

Bachelor of Physical Education from Santo Agostinho University Center - UNIFSA. Bachelor of Laws from Santo Agostinho University Center - UNIFSA. Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.

Kácio dos Santos Silva, State University of Piauí (UESPI). Santo Agostinho University Center (UNIFSA)

Master in Education from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). Specialist in Contemporary Dance Studies at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and in Sports Physical Training at UFPI. Degree in Physical Education by the State University of Piauí (UESPI). Professor at UESPI and at Santo Agostinho University Center (UNIFSA), Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.


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