Synchronous and asynchronous tele-exercise for older adults: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial
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Objective: Multicomponent physical training, carried out via tele-exercise, can contribute to a healthier lifestyle in the elderly. The objective is to present the intervention protocol of the “Idoso Ativo” (Active Older Adult) program via tele-exercise, synchronously and asynchronously. Method: This is a randomized clinical trial with two groups performing tele-exercise. Participant recruitment will be done via digital platforms, social media pages and printed leaflets distributed in the different regions of Distrito Federal. Both groups will perform exercises three times a week, lasting 50 min, and the intervention period will be 12 weeks. Discussion: The hypothesis is that the multicomponent exercise program offered online will provide improvements in muscular strength, balance and mobility in both groups. A higher adherence rate is expected in relation to the asynchronous group, and it is believed that the positive effects on physical health, minimizing the negative outcomes caused by inactivity, are present in participants in both groups.
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