The challenges of low and middle-income countries in healthcare management after COVID-19

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Ana Carolina Peçanha Antonio
Seleno Glauber de Jesus-Silva


More than two years after WHO declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a pandemic, a year after deploying the first COVID vaccine, and as we approach nearly 6.5 million infection-related deaths1, we wonder, as Brazilian front-line physicians, what are the lessons we should have learned. Accordingly, healthcare was the first of all systems affected by COVID-19, particularly in developing nations. Despite the additional costs of unemployment, supply chain disturbances, finance expenses to support businesses, and millions of children deprived of education, we still witness the abundance of daily clinical practices of low-value care, failed public health policies, and scientific researches of controversial relevance and not centered in the patient.

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How to Cite
Antonio ACP, Jesus-Silva SG de. The challenges of low and middle-income countries in healthcare management after COVID-19. HSJ [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];12(4):1-2. Available from:
Author Biography

Seleno Glauber de Jesus-Silva, Itajuba Clinics Hospital

Graduated in Medicine at the Federal University of Pará (2001). Specialist in Vascular Surgery (MEC and SBACV / AMB), in Angioradiology and Endovascular Surgery (MEC) and in Interventional Radiology and Angioradiology (SoBRICE / CBR / AMB). General Coordinator of Medical Residency and Internships at Itajuba Clinics Hospital (HCI). Medical Coordinator of the Surgical Center and CME of HCI. Master of Science from the Federal University of São Paulo. Scientific Editor of Revista Ciências em Saúde - ISSN 2236-3785 Has experience in Vascular Surgery, Interventional Radiology and Endovascular Surgery.


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