Evaluation of prediction score of contrast-induced nephropathy in inpatients undergone to digital or CT angiography

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Seleno Glauber de Jesus-Silva
Ana Elisa Chaves
Caio Augusto Alves Maciel
Edson Eziel Ferreira Scotini
Pablo Girardelli Mendonça Mesquita
Melissa Andreia de Moraes Silva
Rodolfo Souza Cardoso


Objectives: To assess the incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) and determine the Mehran Score's (MS) ability to predict CIN in patients undergoing digital angiography or computed tomography angiography. Methods: 252 medical records of inpatients who underwent DA or CTA over 28 months in a quaternary hospital were reviewed. CIN was defined as serum creatinine> 0.5 mg / dL or > 25% increase in baseline creatinine, 48 h after administration of iodinated contrast. The ROC curve and the area under the curve (AUC) were used as a score test. Results: The majority (159; 63.1%) were male, and the average age was 60.4 years. Anemia, diabetes mellitus, and age > 75 years were the most prevalent factors. The incidence of CIN was 17.8% (n = 45). There was a decrease in the mean values ​​of creatinine pre and post among patients who did not suffer CIN (1.38 ± 1.22 vs 1.19 ± 0.89; t = 3.433; p = 0.0007), while among patients who suffering CIN, the mean increase was 1.03 mg / dL (1.43 ± 1.48 vs 2.46 ± 2.35 mg / dL; t = 5.44; p = 0.117). The ROC curve analysis identified a low correlation between MS and the occurrence of CIN (AUC = 0.506). Conclusion: The incidence of CIN in hospitalized patients undergoing angiography or computed tomography angiography was high. The EM did not allow the prediction of NIC.

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How to Cite
Jesus-Silva SG de, Chaves AE, Maciel CAA, Scotini EEF, Mesquita PGM, de Moraes Silva MA, et al. Evaluation of prediction score of contrast-induced nephropathy in inpatients undergone to digital or CT angiography. HSJ [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];10(3):78-84. Available from: https://portalrcs.hcitajuba.org.br/index.php/rcsfmit_zero/article/view/974
Author Biographies

Seleno Glauber de Jesus-Silva, Itajuba Clinics Hospital

Master of Science. Vascular Surgeon and Interventional Radiologist of Itajuba Clinics Hospital (HCI). General Coordinator of Medical Residency of the HCI.

Ana Elisa Chaves, Faculty of Medicine of Itajubá

Sixth year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine of Itajuba.

Caio Augusto Alves Maciel, Faculty of Medicine of Itajubá

Sixth year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine of Itajubá.

Edson Eziel Ferreira Scotini, Itajuba Clinics Hospital

Former resident physician of the General Surgery Medical Residency Program at Itajuba Clinics Hospital.

Pablo Girardelli Mendonça Mesquita, Itajuba Clinics Hospital/Faculty of Medicine of Itajuba

Master of Science. Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Itajuba. Nephrologist at the Itajuba Clinics Hospital.

Melissa Andreia de Moraes Silva, Itajuba Clinics Hospital / Faculty of Medicine of Itajubá

Master in Sciences and PhD from the Federal University of São Paulo. Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Itajubá. Vascular Surgeon and Vascular Ultrasonographer at Itajuba Clinics Hospital.

Rodolfo Souza Cardoso, Itajuba Clinics Hospital

Vascular Surgeon and Interventional Radiologist at Hospital de Clínicas de Itajubá. Member of the Brazilian College of Surgeons. Executive Director of Hospital de Clínicas de Itajubá.


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