Antipsychotic-induced movement disorders: integrative review

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Maria Eduarda Antunes de Meira
Giuliano Mannrich
Natahalia Nahas Donatello
Daiana Cristina Salm


Objective: To identify movement disorders induced by antipsychotics. Methods: We selected clinical trials from MEDLINE and LILACS databases without publication date restriction. Studies of antipsychotics as a pharmacological intervention, compared or not to other interventions were included (combined treatments were not included). The primary outcome was movement disorders. Two independent reviewers analyzed the studies and summarized them in an electronic spreadsheet. We assessed the quality of the selected studies using the PEDro scale. Results: Five studies were included in this review. In these studies, it was possible to identify the main psychiatric symptoms and their severity, as well as dyskinetic movements. When a reduction in dyskinetic movements was observed in treatments with both atypical and typical antipsychotics, there were adverse effects. Those included excessive sedation, loss of body mass, vomiting, and leukocytopenia. Conclusion: This study verified the findings in literature on the effects of antipsychotics, including the type of medication, dosage, and form of administration, as well as instruments used to assess the outcome related to movement disorders. It was not possible to determine the best therapeutic dose for managing the disorders due to the significant distinction in dosages and medications. All five studies had some effect related to the drug use or its withdrawal.

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How to Cite
Meira MEA de, Mannrich G, Donatello NN, Salm DC. Antipsychotic-induced movement disorders: integrative review. HSJ [Internet]. 2022Sep.4 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(3):44-2. Available from:
Author Biographies

Maria Eduarda Antunes de Meira, University of Southern Santa Catarina

Student of the Physiotherapy at the University of Southern Santa Catarina.

Giuliano Mannrich, National Society of Sports Physiotherapy and Physical Activity

Member of the National Society of Sports Physiotherapy and Physical Activity. Master in Human Movement Science from the State University of Santa Catarina.

Natahalia Nahas Donatello, University of Southern Santa Catarina

Master in Health Sciences from the University of Southern Santa Catarina.

Daiana Cristina Salm, University of Southern Santa Catarina

Master in Neuroscience from the Federal University of Santa Catarina.


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