Characterization of burnout syndrome in nurses in the hinterlands municipalities of the State of Paraíba – Brazil
Main Article Content
Objective: To characterize the burnout syndrome (BS) in nurses in five municipalities in the hiterlands of the State of Paraíba, Brazil. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective study, carried out with nurses in the municipalities of Uiraúna, Poço de José de Moura, Poço Dantas, Joca Claudino and Bernardino Batista, between April and December 2018, based on the application of a questionnaire with social-organizational information (Copenhagen Burnout Inventory), from which the relative and absolute frequencies, mean, median, standard deviation, relative standard deviation and associations between variables were obtained. Results: The dimensions of personal burnout (51.4%) and patient-related burnout (60.0%) had a moderate level, whereas work-related burnout (48.6%) presented a low level. The variables age, working time, and employment relationship were associated with personal burnout related to the patient and work, respectively. Conclusion: The moderate levels of burnout found (in the personal and patient-related domains) should generate an alert by the managers of the institutions to prevent health problems in these workers. The association of burnout between the variables age, working time, and employment, indicates that these variables are related to the development of BS in nurses.
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