Factors associated with adherence to pharmacological treatment in hypertensive patients enrolled in the HIPERDIA program

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Yuri Barbosa Araújo
Jadyelle dos Santos Teixeira
Emanuel Cardoso de Oliveira
Glebson Santos Sobral
Rafael Alexandre Meneguz-Moreno
Ricardo Guimarães Amaral
Sandra Lauton Santos
Luciana Nalone Andrade


Objective: To assess adherence to antihypertensive treatment in patients at a Family Health Strategy (FHS) unit. Methods: quantitative, transversal, and observational study with 131 hypertensive patients registered in the HIPERDIA program of an FHS located in the city of Lagarto, Sergipe, Brazil, through the analysis of medical records and the application of structured questionnaires. The assessment of the degree of adherence was carried out through the Brief Medication Questionnaire. Results: Factors related to poor adherence were illiteracy (PR: 0.61; 95%CI: 0.42 - 0.89), per capita family income < 1 minimum wage (PR: 0.51; 95%CI : 0.33 - 0.78) and high pharmacological complexity (PR: 0.66; 95%CI: 0.45 - 0.97), while only regular physical activity (PR: 2.64; 95%CI: 1.28 - 5.46) and a good quality of life (PR: 1.44; 95%CI: 1.02 - 2.04) remained positively associated with adherence. Conclusion: As these are modifiable factors, the simplification of the therapeutic scheme and the regular practice of physical activity are key points for increasing adherence to the treatment of systemic arterial hypertension in Primary Care.

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How to Cite
Araújo YB, Teixeira J dos S, Oliveira EC de, Sobral GS, Meneguz-Moreno RA, Amaral RG, Santos SL, Andrade LN. Factors associated with adherence to pharmacological treatment in hypertensive patients enrolled in the HIPERDIA program. HSJ [Internet]. 2022Jun.26 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(2):35-2. Available from: https://portalrcs.hcitajuba.org.br/index.php/rcsfmit_zero/article/view/1270
Author Biographies

Yuri Barbosa Araújo, Federal University of Sergipe

Fifth-year medical student at Federal University of Sergipe.

Jadyelle dos Santos Teixeira, Federal University of Sergipe

Fifth-year medical student at Federal University of Sergipe.

Emanuel Cardoso de Oliveira, Federal University of Sergipe

Fifth-year medical student at Federal University of Sergipe.

Glebson Santos Sobral, Federal University of Sergipe

Fifth-year medical student at Federal University of Sergipe.

Rafael Alexandre Meneguz-Moreno, Federal University of Sergipe

Professor of Medicine in Federal University of Sergipe, PhD in Sciences at Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia, University of Sao Paulo.

Ricardo Guimarães Amaral, Federal University of Sergipe

Postdoctoral Student in Physiological Sciences at Federal University of Sergipe. Doctorate in Physiological Sciences.

Sandra Lauton Santos, Federal University of Sergipe

Professor at the Department of Physiology at the Federal University of Sergipe Federal. Doctorate in Biochemistry and Immunology.

Luciana Nalone Andrade, Federal University of Sergipe

PhD in Biotechnology by RENORBIO-SE (Preclinical Pharmacology and Chemistry of Natural Products) by the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacology of Natural Products) by the Federal University of Sergipe.


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